Location Considerations
There are many considerations which must be taken into account when selecting an appropriate site for a BESS. These include but are not limited to:
Requirements of the network: The National Grid system operator (NG ESO) and the local Transmission Network Operator, SSE determine circuits and areas with both a need and capacity for a BESS installation. South Kintore BESS holds a grid connection offer for the development which has been accepted.
Grid connectivity: The site must be located within close proximity of the existing grid network in order to facilitate an efficient connection.
Intended application: The siting of a BESS development has important implications for the services it can provide. Locating a BESS in the distribution network near areas of high energy demand can provide a broad range of services such as balancing (helping to keep the frequency of the national grid stable), peaking capacity, (increasing the reliance on renewables) and improving network resilience during extreme weather events (keeping the lights on) (NREL, 2019).
Size and topography: The site must be of adequate size with flat or of gentle gradient and free from obstructions which cannot be removed such as streams or historic features.
Environmental constraints: The site must be located away from ‘sensitive sites’ as defined by the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (i.e designated nature conservation sites, word heritage sites or national parks).
Heritage designations: The site must be a suitable distance away from listed buildings, scheduled monuments, and other registered historic designations.
Land Use designations: Consideration is given to a site’s land use planning designation as defined by an adopted Development Plan or an emerging Development Plan. For example, land which is safeguarded for housing or employment would not be suitable for the development and would conflict with planning policy.
Access and Services: The site must have adequate access to facilitate construction and for management and maintenance purposes once the BESS is operational.
Availability: The landowner must be able and willing to accommodate the project for the 40-year project lifetime.