About Us
The applicant behind South Kintore BESS is a partnership between RE Projects Development Limited (REPD) and Field.
Field develops, owns, and operates Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) projects across the UK and Europe. Our aim is to develop BESS projects that deliver significant sustainability benefits in addition to reducing climate change emissions and facilitating the growth of renewable energy. Field has a highly experienced in-house team of technical experts covering all specialisms. We are a responsible developer, engaging early with communities through the project development process, overseeing the construction on site and on-going asset management of the projects through operation. Field therefore remains part of the project throughout its full lifecycle. In the UK, we have 40MW in operation and 235MW in or preparing for construction.
REPD is an experienced developer of renewable and low carbon energy projects in the UK. Our skills range from initial site feasibility and project development to procuring EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction), project finance, and asset management. REPD prides itself on developing projects from conception to completion. Every stage of the process is managed by our UK based team from the initial site feasibility through to planning, construction, and operation. Founded in 2013, REPD has 750 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaic (PV) projects and 950MW of BESS projects at various stages of development. Renewable and low carbon energy generation is at the heart of our ethos. We strive to combat climate change and air pollution. We aim to deliver an additional 1 gigawatt (GW) of subsidy free renewable energy projects in the UK in the next three years.